The Patience Of Einstein

When you get a new idea, its hard not to be excited about it. When you develop a new product, its natural to want to get it to market as soon as possible. While new ideas need advocates, there is also a need for prudence. Albert Einstein, the great physicist known as...

Just A Simple Little Product

You see them here, you see them there, you see them everywhere. Well, I ran out of them the other day so I had to make a trip to my local stationary store for a resupply. “Them” is the ubiquitous “Post-it” note pads. As I looked over the vast...

Origins Of Ideas

Good businesses are built on foundations of good ideas. Enterprising entrepreneurs need creative ideas on which to build their businesses. Existing businesses that intend to grow and prosper need sources of innovation to rejuvenate themselves. A good business idea is...

Corporate Culture Is A Powerful Force

Nature abhors a vacuum. So does the electorate and so do your employees. Where ever a vacuum exists, something, and not always the best thing, will fill the void. A Republican television commentator grabs 30% of the vote against a sitting President; a Democrat...