Non$ense & Common$ense

Non$ense & Common$ense

A Better Place To Be

On a recent trip to the South Pacific, I had the good fortune of a private conversation with a guide providing a tour of the WWII battle scenes on the island of Guam.  Having survived a brutal occupation by the Japanese, Guam was, and remains a United States territory.  The guide was from an indigenous island family, the Chamorro people.  When he...

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Voting Rights: Don’t Let Them Divide US

Voter suppression.  It’s real, but not for all the divisive reasons politicians lead you to believe.  In recent major elections over 1/3 of eligible voters didn’t get to the polls.  That’s suppressing the vote on a grand scale.  But it wasn’t voter ID laws, registration issues, roll purges or limitations on early voting that were the main...

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Racism: UFOs, BLM, KKK, MLK

UFOs:  The Pentagon is preparing to release a long-awaited report on UFO sightings that will be declassified later this summer.  NASA recently completed pre-launch testing for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).  When launched later this year the JWST will be the world’s premier space science observatory orbiting over a million miles from...

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Compassion, Equity, Appreciation and Perspective

Compassion, Equity, Appreciation and Perspective. I am in favor of all of the above, how about you? Senate Democrats propose $25,000 hazard-pay plan for essential workers during the COVID-19 crisis. Military servicemembers performing...

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We’ve all Got Skin in this Game

We’ve all got skin in this game. The comeback from COVID-19 will come, you can count on it.  The timing is uncertain, but the direction is as determined as we all will be when the time comes. Why?  #1 because that’s what we do.  Our entrepreneurial spirit, economic freedom and the human drive to make things better will prevail....

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Pork Porn; Names Please!

Nonsense & Common Sense From Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo March 29th, 2020 interview with Senator John Kennedy, R-LA First, the Nonsense BARTIROMO: And we are back with Louisiana Senator John Kennedy. And, Senator, we're talking about what is in this relief package. And over the weekend, you mentioned to me something about...

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Misleading Metrics

The media has been clamoring for it, and now the politicians are focusing on it.  Jobs, jobs, jobs.  Yikes, hold onto your wallets.  The gang(s) that can’t shoot straight are off on another hunting expedition.  One thing you can be sure of, they will miss the target again!!!! The focus on “jobs, jobs, jobs” recalls memories of...

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