Pork Porn; Names Please!

Written by Joe Driscoll

March 30, 2020

Nonsense & Common Sense

From Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo March 29th, 2020 interview with Senator John Kennedy, R-LA

First, the Nonsense

BARTIROMO: And we are back with Louisiana Senator John Kennedy.

And, Senator, we’re talking about what is in this relief package. And over the weekend, you mentioned to me something about suntan location that people were not aware of that’s in this bill.

Can you tell us what’s in the bill that we are unaware of?

KENNEDY: Yes, there’s all kind of porn in this bill.

There’s a provision to speed up FDA review of sunscreen products. There’s money in this bill for the National Endowment for the Arts, for the National Endowment for Humanities. There’s money in this bill for housing. There’s money in this bill for NASA. There’s money in this bill for a $500,000 water project in Utah.

And it was started by Speaker Pelosi with her left-of-Lenin bridge-to- nowhere projects. But I think, once we drill down, we’re going to find out that she’s not the only one. I think some other people in powerful positions piled on. And I don’t like it. And it’s not fair to the American people.

But when I pick up this bill, and see this kind of spending porn for people who are taking advantage of a catastrophe for the American people, it pisses me off.

& now some Common Sense:

Name the names!  I love Senator Kennedy’s folksy way of speaking, but name the damn names if you want the madness to stop!

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