Conquering The Competitive Challenge

Challenge #1. The first few years were a struggle but things have started to take off lately. Sales and profits are up and the customers know were to find us. Now, just when things are looking good, a new competing store opens right down the street! We built the...

Just A Simple Little Product

You see them here, you see them there, you see them everywhere. Well, I ran out of them the other day so I had to make a trip to my local stationary store for a resupply. “Them” is the ubiquitous “Post-it” note pads. As I looked over the vast...

The Ugly Entrepreneur

There was an employment discrimination case several years ago involving one of the major television networks. The employee alleged that although qualified, she was denied an anchor spot on the evening news because she didn’t have the “right...

Origins Of Ideas

Good businesses are built on foundations of good ideas. Enterprising entrepreneurs need creative ideas on which to build their businesses. Existing businesses that intend to grow and prosper need sources of innovation to rejuvenate themselves. A good business idea is...