Making Things Happen

It seems like most everybody has a few initials after their name to indicate professional competence. There are MBAs, CPAs, MSs, DDs, CLUs and registered this and certified that. Sometimes its hard to tell one from the other or a good one from a bad one. I’m...

Classical Donuts, The One Best Way

This is a story about classical management theory and donuts. An odd combination perhaps, but I can assure you the donuts would have lasted longer if there had been a touch more classical theory in the mix. The coffee was good, the donuts weren’t bad and the...

Product Quality And Profitability

“What will you base your purchasing decision on?” “We will give our business to whoever provides the best combination of price, quality and service.” I am certain that sounds like a familiar dialogue to most of you. In fact you probably have...

Supervisors Set The Pace

In all organizations that employee people, the performance of the supervisory function will be a key element in determining the organization’s success. Regardless of the work being done, whether cooking or computing, baking or bending, selling or sewing,...

Understanding Motivation

Have you ever experienced a situation in which one person consistently out performed another of equal skill? Have you ever had an employee who was regularly out performed by someone having lesser talents? Do you sometimes wonder why you seem to be the only one...