Don’t Delay The Firing Squad

When you first get the idea that you should fire one of your employees, you are probably already too late. That might sound hard hearted but its all too often true. The boss is often the last to know. When it comes to decisions involving a termination, the great...

It’s Easy, Just Watch

Most things in life are pretty easy to do after you know how to do them. Management is just the opposite. Most everyone knows how to manage (just ask them), but it’s done well all too infrequently (just look around). I guess part of the answer for the discipline...

No Excuses Please

Ever hear the excuse, “I was too busy.” Don’t buy it. There may not be enough time to do everything you want, but there is enough time to do anything you want. “Too busy” is the excuse, but failing to establish priorities is the reason....

The Importance Of Work

“What do you do?” How often have you been asked that question? If you travel by air, before your flight is over the person next to you is probably going to ask, “What do you do?” When you’re standing in the corner sipping champagne at...

One On One

Although the game of basketball was designed to be played on a full court with five players on each team, if you are going to be a basketball player, you’ll spend plenty of time playing “one on one”. It’s a game that’s played on school...