The Best That You Can Be

Not too long ago I had the pleasure of sitting next to Bobby Knight, coach of Indiana University’s basketball team, while on a cross country flight. Coach Knight was returning from giving a basketball clinic and I was traveling to a meeting with a group of...

The Hawthorne Effect

The managers at Company X continually cited the need for upgraded facilities and new equipment when confronted with their failure to compete effectively with Company Y. The corporation that owned Company X decided to invest several million dollars in upgrading its...

One Bad Attitude Can Spoil The Barrel

Barbara had her hands full keeping up with the department’s work load while training new people. She didn’t need a problem employee. “One ‘bad attitude’ can spoil the barrel.” It wasn’t long after she had taken over as manager...

A Good Team Makes A Good Manager

Yogi Berra, Hall of Fame baseball manager and renowned practitioner of one line wisdom, was once asked what made a good manager. Yogi is said to have replied, “A good ball club”. Truer words were never spoken. Whether on the ball field or in the board...


We used to call them “screamers”. They were great guys on the ground and proficient aviators when they were at the controls. But while they were teaching you how to fly, they deserved their nickname. The “screamers” had two opposite tendencies....