When Nobody’s In Charge Up Front

It was early in the day, just past 7 AM, and most of the people gathered in the lobby appeared to be waiting for a morning meeting. It was impossible, however, for the small gathering not to become interested in the discussion taking place at the hotel’s front...

No Reason For Excuses

“Excusing of a fault doth make the fault worse by the excuse.” William Shakespeare The owner – manager of a well established business was discussing the cause of performance problems in his business. When asked the difference between an excuse and a...

The Value Of Time

What’s your time worth? How do others value the benefit they get from the use of your time? These are important questions for professional service businesses that charge their clients by the hour for their services. The key to success in the professional service...

We’re All In The Service Business

It wasn’t too many years ago that all the major business journals were proclaiming that our once proud industrial based economy was in decline and that we would soon have a service based economy. Economic debate focused on the desirability and the consequences...

Get The Measurements Of Your Linemen

It’s that time of year, balls of all shapes and sizes , games of all descriptions are in progress. The Super Bowl is just completed, the basketball season is in full swing, baseballs are coming out of the closet and the Winter Olympics are right around the...