Communications: Learning From Listening

The salesman needed to inform his boss about the problems with the new products. The boss intended on listening attentively even though he was pretty sure he knew what the salesman had to say. After a few minutes the boss’s mind drifted onto another problem as...

Management Skills That You Will Never Forget

There are a few things in this world that once you learn, you never forget. Fortunately for aspiring managers, one of those things is learning how to ride a bicycle. Making the connection between riding a bike and managing might at first seem like quite a stretch, but...

Delegate, Don’t Abdicate

Isolation, delegation, or abdication. Business owners that begin managing in isolation need to master delegation in order to grow. If they wait too long, they can become victims of their own abdication. Abdication occurs when mounting pressures cause us to look for a...

Pleasant People Are Productive People

“Be pleasant until 10 o’clock in the morning and the rest of the day will take care of itself.” That sound advise is as true today as it was ninety years ago when it was first written by businessman and author Elbert Hubbard. How do you react to the...

Memorial Day

Waterloo. It sounds ironic, but it was in Waterloo, NY on May 5, 1866 that the first Memorial Day observation took place. Originally known as Decoration Day, this holiday was set aside to honor the soldiers who had died in the Civil War. While Memorial Day is the day...