Management Mirror

Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who’s the fairest of them all? Surprise, surprise, in the executive washroom the magic mirror often yields a crystal clear image of management. Is that the right answer? Maybe yes and maybe no. If that magic mirror was a one way...

Un-Common Courtesy

At the conclusion of a famous battle, a military commander once said of his troops, “Uncommon valor was a common virtue amongst these men.” Listening to the complaints of many of todays’ employees, it might be said that common courtesy is an uncommon...


“Who Needs a Boss” read the title to the story. The article went on to extol the virtues of team management. “The team”, as it has been called, has been dubbed the competitive weapon of the 1990’s. While teamwork is essential to the...


College football bowl games and professional football playoff games will provide a backdrop for holiday entertainment during the coming week. At one time or another, most all of us, will find ourselves captivated by the spirit of a determined underdog’s bid for...


Alliteration, metaphor, hyperbole, and personification. Are these just poetic terms and figures of speech that we left behind in our English classes years ago or are they the keys to improving our business performance in the years ahead. Alliteration is the tool of...