Decision Making

When you have a major decision to make, how do you go about making it? Suppose you are contemplating expanding your product lines, how can you be most certain that your increased investment and effort will earn an acceptable return? Or perhaps your lease is about to...


You are about to begin an expansion of your business that will involve an investment of about one hundred thousand dollars. Would you consider retaining the services of someone familiar with financial structures to review your plans? Probably not. You are about to buy...

Business To Business

Faced with a business problem–look for solutions and advice from another business person who is familiar with your type of business. Sounds simple and it makes sense, but most often that is not the course of action taken by the independent business owner. Go it...

The Board In The Closely Held Corporation

Is your company run like a private preserve, operated by the lone hunter so he can roam for private enjoyment and self satisfaction? Another view of the closely held corporation is that it is an independent creation with a life of it’s own. Much like a child...

Navigating to Success

In the simplest of navigation systems, the pilot picks a point on the horizon and heads for it. The pilot communicates the destination, “that point on the horizon”, to the crew and they set about doing their jobs. Putting all the formalities of business...