The Good News Or The Bad News First?

Do you want to hear the good news or the bad news first? That’s a question that is often asked in jest, however it accentuates an important message for managers of partnerships and closely held corporations. “Get the bads news out and over with” has...

Philosophy, Policy And Procedure

Every growing business develops a need for rules and regulations. It might begin with customer problems, employees or suppliers, but before too long there will be a need in all of these areas for formal administrative procedures. I can’t say for sure where the...


I was sitting in the office of a purchasing manager in Iowa when I first read it. Earlier that day I had flown to Madison, Wisconsin to meet with the owner of a manufacturers representatives firm. As I sat and waited in that office after a long day of traveling, my...

Taxes, One More Time

Man is governed by a variety of clocks and calendars. We have our biological clocks, our chronological clocks and yes, of course, we have our tax clock. As we approach another calendar year end, the tax clock begins to beat with increasing intensity as indicated by...

Just A Small Business

“Oh, just a small business.” I am sure you have heard that expression. Perhaps you have said it yourself! Believe me, there is no such thing as “just a small business”. Small businesses aren’t small, they’re great. They have made...