Manage Yourself, Lead Others

Recent Articles

Practice Precaution with Pro Nouns

We and they. I and you. Them and us. When and how you use these pronouns can have a major impact on your effectiveness as a manager. Former Alabama football coach, the late Paul "Bear" Bryant understood the significance of choosing the right pronoun to motivate his...

Younger Workers, Faster Times, Stronger Supervisors

The landscape of the job market changes rapidly. Many of today's jobs didn't exist ten years ago and ten years from now, the change will be greater yet. There is one thing, however, that we share in common with the generations that preceded us and those that will...

The Wizardry Of Good Management

Leading and developing people are important tasks for all managers. Inspiring people to rise to new peaks of performance, levels they didn't realize they would be capable of attaining, is a key to becoming a management wizard. If you want to excel at developing...



We were all born with “skin in the game”, both literally and figuratively.  And with that skin in the game, we were given the free will to care for the literal and the responsibility to impact the figurative.  This book is about five areas where we all have “skin in the game” and in which, together we can have an impact: Citizenship, National Service, Fair Taxes, The Public’s Education, and Crony Capitalism.


IYB is about is all about “getting results through people”.  The job of the manager is different from all other jobs.  The engineer, cook or accountant are all expected to get results directly from their own efforts.  The manager’s work is different because the manager is expected to “get results through people”.

Non$ense & Common$ense

Commenting on the heroism of the men who fought the battle on Iwo Jima in World War II, Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz remarked, “Uncommon valor was a common virtue”.

Unfortunately, in today’s world it seems that common sense has become an uncommon virtue.  Non$ense and Common$ense is dedicated to exposing the everyday contradictions in public discourse that if left unchecked will erode the independence that so many sacrificed so much to achieve.

406 cLUB

The 406 Club honors the American way of life, the individuals that make it possible, the families that perpetuate it and the Patriots who serve to protect it. Often heroes without headlines, but these are stories that should not be forgotten and that will inspire all of us to do the right thing at the right time.


Joe began his business career in 1972 following five years of service as a Marine Corps aviator. Founding his first business in 1978, Mr. Driscoll’s entrepreneurial career then spanned the next 40 years before recently retiring as Chairman and Chief Executive of both the Lansmont Corporation and Team Corporation.


