Much has been written about the effective executive. The rewards are for doing the right things, effectiveness, as compared with merely doing things right, efficiency. Does this same wisdom apply to all workers? You bet it does! It is little wonder that performance, measured by productivity, sales, customer service or quality, falls short of...
Spot The Good Manager
"In Search of Excellence" by Tom Peters and Bob Waterman, "What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School" by Mark McCormack, "Managing Through People" by Dale Carnegie and Associates and "The One Minute Manager" by Blanchard and Johnson are some recent best selling management books. Here are some extractions from those best sellers and one...
It Pays To Pays
The completion of a major corporate acquisition was recently delayed for several weeks. When it was finally announced, the chairman of the acquiring company was asked the reason for the delay. He replied that there was just one matter that kept the parties apart. Money! Its always the money.! When you look at your relationship with your employees...
Opening Day
It is the most common of our experiences. It is one that many of us have experienced on numerous occasions. It is one that hundreds are experiencing this very moment. It is the first day on a new job. How important is that first day? Is it important enough to effect your attitude for a long time, both on and off the job? Is it important enough...
Higher Hiring
Most definitions of management share the viewpoint that good management is a process of reaching goals by working with and through people. That being the case, choosing your team is the first step to success. Make sure that you get the best people available. Aim high when you hire. Recruitment and hiring are areas in which a company can...
Don’t Delay The Firing Squad
When you first get the idea that you should fire one of your employees, you are probably already too late. That might sound hard hearted but its all too often true. The boss is often the last to know. When it comes to decisions involving a termination, the great decision maker often becomes the great procrastinator. How many times have you...
It’s Easy, Just Watch
Most things in life are pretty easy to do after you know how to do them. Management is just the opposite. Most everyone knows how to manage (just ask them), but it's done well all too infrequently (just look around). I guess part of the answer for the discipline of management being well understood but frequently misapplied lies in the fact that...
No Excuses Please
Ever hear the excuse, "I was too busy." Don't buy it. There may not be enough time to do everything you want, but there is enough time to do anything you want. "Too busy" is the excuse, but failing to establish priorities is the reason. There's always a reason when your business's performance falls short of your expectations. If you accept the...
One Bad Attitude Can Spoil The Barrel
"One bad apple will spoil the barrel." Same holds true for attitudes. One bad one can spoil the barrel. What's a manager to do? Bad attitudes are as difficult to get your hands on as bad apples are hard to find in the bottom of the barrel. You know there's something wrong when things don't smell right, but its hard to see exactly what to do about...
Parents and Managers
The title of the feature story in the Wall Street Journal several weeks ago was intriguing, "Paternal, Managerial Roles Often Clash." The article, based on a study of 300 male executives, concluded that many successful young men who are competent at managing people in the work place are inept at managing their personal lives. The study reported...